16 March, 2008

My relationship with new communication technologies

I've never been so interest in new communicatino technologies.
Only last year I bagan to use a pc seriously, when I started to write down my thesis: an example of plan for an effective communication for non profit organizations and prosocial purposes.
In that situation I discovered MySpace,blogs,ect. and now I'm fascinate professionally by the potential of new communication technologies, but hey are not for me. I use MSN and it's great because it's useful: it allows us to communicate in a free way worldwide, but I don't use, for example, Facebook for 2 reasons: 1)In these days we remain hours in front of our computer for work and I don't want to spend my freetime in front of a screen; 2)Anyone can publish my images and I can' avoid that(maybe because I don't even know that there is that picture on line).
I consider this an abuse of privacy: I prefer to show my pictures in person and to be owner of my own image(as more as possible).
Blog is different, I wuold like to run my personal blog and maybe I will do thst after this course.

09 March, 2008

"That' s me...."

I' m Sara. There are a lot of stuffs that makes me happy, a better person, or that makes me pain and disgusted in this world. I would like to talk about that here... Communication is one of my main interest. I hope I will have a job that allows me to help people, but I'm interesest in Divertissment too, because it can really save us ! I ' m curiuos (but a little bit lazy) and critical. I try to not judge, but to understend other points of view. so try to understend MY point of view!